- [141]会议论文,Task-space cooperative tracking control of multi-robot systems with unknown parameters and time dela,IEEE/ASME INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED INTELLIGENT MECHATRONICS, AIM,2018/08/01
- [142]期刊论文,Development of a Novel Continuum Robotic System for Maxillary Sinus Surgery,IEEE/ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS,2018/06/01
- [143]期刊论文,Constraint Gaussian Filter With Virtual Measurement for On-Line Camera-Odometry Calibration,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ROBOTICS,2018/06/01
- [144]期刊论文,Purely Image-Based Pose Stabilization of Nonholonomic Mobile Robots With a Truly Uncalibrated Overhe,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ROBOTICS,2020/06/01
- [145]期刊论文,Ego-Motion Estimation of a Quadrotor Based on Nonlinear Observer,IEEE/ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS,2018/06/01,王贺升
- [146]期刊论文,Adaptive Visual Servoing of Contour Features,IEEE/ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS,2018/04/01,王贺升
- [147]期刊论文,Formation Control of Nonholonomic Mobile Robots Without Position and Velocity Measurements,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ROBOTICS,2018/04/01
- [148]期刊论文,Planning and Tracking in Image Space for Image-Based Visual Servoing of a Quadrotor,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS,2018/04/01
- [149]期刊论文,Loop closure detection using supervised and unsupervised deep neural networks for monocular SLAM sys,ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS,2020/04/01
- [150]会议论文,Uncalibrated peg-hole alignment using visual servoing,2017 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON REAL-TIME COMPUTING AND ROBOTICS, RCAR 2017,2018/03/01