- [121]会议论文,A balanced-to-balanced filtering Gysel power divider with unequal power division,IEEE Asia-Pacific Conf. Antennas Propag.,2017/10/01
- [122]期刊论文,All resonator based LTCC diplexer using substrate-integrated-waveguides,IET Electronics Lett.,2017/10/01
- [123]会议论文,A fully planar broadband rat-race coupler with stepped-impedance and coupled microstrip lines,European Microw. Conf.,2017/10/01
- [124]期刊论文,A wideband millimeter-wave substrate integrated coaxial line array for high-speed data transmission,IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn.,2017/08/01
- [125]会议论文,A novel multifunctional quadrature hybrid coupler,Int. Applied Computational Electromag. Society Symp.,2017/08/01
- [126]期刊论文,Absorptive bandstop filter with prescribed negative group delay and bandwidth, IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett.,2017/07/01
- [127]期刊论文,High-frequency analysis of intercalated multilayer graphene (IMLG) and implication for tunable terah,IEEE Access,2017/01/01
- [128]会议论文,一种用于433MHz射频发射前端的天线及相关电路设计,全国微波毫米波会议,2017/05/01
- [129]会议论文,A circuit with tunable negative group delay and stable insertion loss,IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp.,2017/05/01,吴林晟
- [130]期刊论文,LTCC based substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) bandpass filters with CPW transitions,Int. Workshop Electromag.,2017/05/01