- [131]会议论文,A wideband quadrature hybrid coupler with unequal power division and harmonic suppression,全国微波毫米波会议,2017/05/01
- [132]会议论文,An analytical approach for electrical and thermal simulation of branch-line coupler,IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp.,2017/05/01
- [133]会议论文,Diagnosis and tuning of filtering antenna based on extracted coupling matrix,IEEE Electrical Design Adv. Packag. Systems Symp.,2016/12/01
- [134]期刊论文,Theory of reflective phase-shifting surface for generating vortex radio waves,IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag.,2016/11/01
- [135]会议论文,Noununiform scaling technique for parallel-coupled pairs lossy filters,European Microw. Conf.,2016/10/01
- [136]会议论文,Tunable terahertz resonator based on intercalation doped-multilayer graphene ribbon (ID-MGR),IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Workshop Series on Adv. Mat. Processes for RF and THz App.,2016/07/01
- [137]会议论文,Reconfigurable graphene reflectarray with switchable focus,IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Workshop Series on Adv. Mat. Processes for RF and THz App.,2016/07/01
- [138]期刊论文,A reconfigurable graphene reflectarray for generation of vortex THz waves,IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett.,2016/01/01
- [139]会议论文,Theoretical analysis of a reflected plate for OAM mode generation based on phase-shifting surface,IEEE Antennas Propag. Sym. USNC-URSI,2016/06/01
- [140]会议论文,A broadband graphene absorber with double Minkowski loops,Int. Conf. Microw. Millimeter Wave Technol.,2016/06/01