- [141]会议论文,A planar filtering crossover for three intersecting channels,IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp.,2016/05/01,吴林晟
- [142]期刊论文,A flat-passband microstrip filter with nonuniform-Q dual-mode resonators,IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett.,2016/03/01
- [143]会议论文,Lossy substrate integrated waveguide filter with flat passband, IEEE MTT-S Int. Wireless Symp.,2016/03/01
- [144]期刊论文,Flat-passband substrate integrated waveguide filter with resistive couplings, Progress In Electromagnetics Research C,2016/01/01
- [145]期刊论文,‘微波技术基础’课程中的增量电感法,电气电子教学学报,2016/02/01,吴林晟
- [146]会议论文,Cutoff frequency of substrate integrated waveguide with single-walled carbon nanotube bundle vias,Asia-Pacific Microw. Conf.,2015/12/01,吴林晟
- [147]会议论文,Analysis of illuminated bent microstrip line based on Baum-Liu-Tesche (BLT) equation,IEEE Electrical Design Adv. Packag. Systems Symp.,2015/12/01
- [148]期刊论文,A new wideband elliptic bandstop filter with cross coupling,IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett.,2015/10/01
- [149]会议论文,可激发涡旋无线电波的可重构石墨烯反射阵研究,全国天线会议,2015/10/01
- [150]期刊论文,A four-way microstrip filtering power divider with frequency-dependent couplings,IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech.,2015/10/01