- [31]期刊论文,Modeling and In-Orbit Calibration Practice of a Miniature 2-Axis Analogue Sun Sensor,Aerospace Science and Technology,2002/10/01,吴树范
- [32]期刊论文,Atmospheric Reentry Modeling and Simulation,Aerospace Science and Technology,2002/08/01,吴树范
- [33]期刊论文,Fuzzy Logic Based Attitude Control of the Spacecraft X-38 Along a Nominal Re-entry Trajectory,Control Engineering Practice ,2001/07/01,吴树范
- [34]期刊论文,Fast Prediction Algorithms of Satellite Imaging Opportunities with Attitude Controls,Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics,2002/08/01,吴树范
- [35]期刊论文,Optimization of Spacecraft Thruster Management Function,Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics,2005/11/01
- [36]期刊论文,Robust MIMO Control Systems Design with Eigenstructure Assignment and QFT,Sensors,2019/12/01
- [37]期刊论文,Aircraft monitoring by the fusion of satellite and ground ADS-B data,ACTA ASTRONAUTICA,2018/02/01
- [38]期刊论文,Design and implementation of a Cube satellite mission for Antarctic glacier and sea ice observation,ACTA ASTRONAUTICA,2017/10/01,吴树范,吴树范