- [1]期刊论文,低轨互联网星座发展研究,北京航空航天大学学报,2024/03/01,吴树范
- [2]会议论文,Collision avoidance and tracking control of multi-spacecraft under input saturation,ICGNC 2022,2022/08/01
- [3]期刊论文,Trigger-Based K-Band Microwave Ranging System Thermal Control with Model-Free Learning Process,ELECTRONICS,2022/07/01
- [4]会议论文,A Compact High-Precision Frequency Swept Interferometer (FSI) for Autonomous Ranging of Satellite Co,2021 OPTOELECTRONICS GLOBAL CONFERENCE (OGC 2021),2021/01/01
- [5]期刊论文,Reinforcement learning based dynamic distributed routing scheme for mega LEO satellite networks,Chinese Journal of Aeronautics,2022/06/01
- [6]期刊论文,High-Speed Micro-Particle Motion Monitoring Based on Continuous Single-Frame Multi-Exposure Technolo,MATERIALS,2022/06/01
- [7]会议论文,Dynamical Modelling and Vibration Analysis of the Non-coplanarity of the Orthogonal Support of Gyrow,Journal of Physics: Conference Series,2022/02/01
- [8]期刊论文,纳卫星电磁对接机构技术,北京航空航天大学学报,2018/01/01
- [9]期刊论文,引力波探测科学任务关键技术,深空探测学报,2020/01/01,吴树范
- [10]期刊论文,A Submillimeter-Level Relative Navigation Technology for Spacecraft Formation Flying in Highly Ellip,Sensor,2020/11/01