- [71]会议论文,Numerical study on collecting performance of nodule pick-up devices in seawater and sediment-seawate,Proceedings of the Thirtieth (2020) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference,2020/10/01
- [72]期刊论文,Linearity and nonlinearity in wave run-up and air-gap response for a semi-submersible platform under,Applied Ocean Research,2020/10/01
- [73]期刊论文,Energy transformation on flow-induced motions of multiple cylindrical structures with various corner,PHYSICS OF FLUIDS,2020/02/01
- [74]期刊论文,Experimental study on flow-induced motions of TLP focusing on effects of appendages and mass ratio,OCEAN ENGINEERING,2020/01/01
- [75]期刊论文,Experimental investigation of wave run-up and air-gap responses,Ocean Engineering,2020/04/01
- [76]期刊论文,Bottom step enlarging horizontal momentum flux of dam break flow,Ocean Engineering,2020/10/01
- [77]期刊论文,基于非线性数学模型的半潜式平台共振运动特性研究,海洋工程,2019/07/01
- [78]期刊论文,Effects of bracings and motion coupling on resonance features of semi-submersible platform under irr,Journal of Fluids and Structures,2020/01/01
- [79]期刊论文,Processing method and governing parameters for horizontal wave impact loads on a semi-submersible,Marine Structures,2020/01/01
- [80]期刊论文,深海水力集矿球形颗粒受力特性试验研究,上海交通大学学报, 2019, 53(8): 907-912.,2019/08/01