- [81]期刊论文,Mechanism and sensitivity for broadband energy harvesting of an adaptive bistable point absorber wav,Energy,2019/12/01
- [82]期刊论文,海洋温差能发电装置中冷水管动力性能分析,海洋工程,2019/05/01
- [83]期刊论文,Performance characteristics of a conceptual ring-shaped spar-type VLFS with double-layered perforate,Applied Ocean Research,2019/05/01
- [84]会议论文,Wave Impact Load And Corresponding Nonlinear Response of a Semi-submersible,2019/06/01
- [85]会议论文,Second-order responses of a 10 MW floating wind turbine considering the full QTF,2019/06/01
- [86]会议论文,CFD-based study of a tidal current turbine in a horizontal axis under regular waves,2019/06/01
- [87]会议论文,Investigation on Characteristics of Forces on Spherical Particles in Deep Sea Hydraulic Collecting,2019/06/01
- [88]会议论文,Numerical Study on Vortex-induced Motions of semisubmersibles with three columns with different sect,2019/06/01
- [89]期刊论文,Nonlinear coupling and instability of heave, roll and pitch motions of semi-submersibles with bracin,JOURNAL OF FLUIDS AND STRUCTURES,2018/11/01
- [90]期刊论文,Application of an adaptive bistable power capture mechanism to a point absorber wave energy converte,APPLIED ENERGY,2018/10/01