- [1]期刊论文,Fractional domain singularity power spectrum,Nonlinear Dynamics,2016/08/01,熊刚
- [2]期刊论文,The application of the multifractal cross-correlation analysis methods in radar target detection wit,Physica A ,2017/02/01
- [3]期刊论文,Multifractal signal reconstruction based on singularity power spectrum,Chaos, Solitons and fractals,2016/10/01,熊刚
- [4]会议论文,Radar HRRP recognition based on sparse denoising autoencoder and multi-layer perceptron deep model,4th International Conference on Ubiquitous Positioning, Indoor Navigation and Location-Based Services - Proceedings of IEEE UPINLBS 2016,2017/01/01
- [5]会议论文,Multifractal analysis of sea clutter and target detection based on the Wavelet Leaders method,2016 IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP),2016/01/01
- [6]会议论文,Radar HRRP Group-Target Recognition Based on Combined methods in the Backgroud of Sea Clutter,2018 International Conference on Radar (Radar),2018/01/01
- [7]会议论文,HRRP Target Recognition Based on the Dual-mode Gram Angle Field Features and the Multi-level CNN,2021 6th International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (ICSIP 2021),2021/11/01
- [8]会议论文,Modulation Signal Recognition Based on Feature Fusion and Residual CNN in Fractal Noise Background,2021 6th International Conference on Signal and Image Processing,2021/11/01
- [9]会议论文,HRRP Group targets recognition based on combined methods , 2018 International Conf. on Radar, 2018.8.26.,2018/08/01
- [10]会议论文,Simulating multi-fractal sea clutter and surface based on the random multiplicative model ,IET radar conf. 2018,2018/10/01