- [31]期刊论文,基于风险管理门的高铁站场设计过程风险管理研究,铁道标准设计,2018/07/01
- [32]会议论文,Improving supply chain communications for off-site construction using process specification language,ISARC 2018 - 35TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON AUTOMATION AND ROBOTICS IN CONSTRUCTION AND INTERNATIONAL AEC/FM HACKATHON: THE FUTURE OF BUILDING THINGS,2018/01/01
- [33]期刊论文,兰州铁路局品牌列车服务优化探讨,铁道运输与经济,2018/01/01
- [34]期刊论文,Ex-post Evaluation of Old City Zone Renovation Projects based on Mathematical Attribute Measurement ,Journal of Urban Planning and Development,2017/03/01,徐峰
- [35]会议论文,Research on Engineering Change Order Controlling in BIM-based Integrated Project Delivery Model,The proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Project Management,2016/07/01
- [36]期刊论文,重大复杂工程全过程造价咨询服务方案设计,建筑经济,2016/01/01
- [37]期刊论文,A Stochastic Concession Model for Infrastructure Projects Under Build-Operate-Transfer Schemes,Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Science),2016/06/01,徐峰
- [38]期刊论文,Theoretical framework of Fuzzy-AI model in quantitative project management,Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems,2016/01/01,徐峰
- [39]期刊论文,Contact Damage of Vacuum Glazing Units Due to Supporting Pillars,Engineering Structures,2015/12/01
- [40]期刊论文,基于VAR模型的BT项目回购方信用风险量化研究,建筑经济,2015/01/01