- [71]期刊论文,Experimental study on mechanical drilling of carbon/epoxy composite-Ti6Al4V stacks,Materials And Manufacturing Processes,2019/05/01,徐锦泱
- [72]期刊论文,Tool wear processes in low frequency vibration assisted drilling of CFRP/Ti6Al4V stacks with forced ,Wear,2019/04/01
- [73]期刊论文,碳纤维复合材料与叠层结构切削加工理论及应用技术,上海科学技术出版社,2019/01/01
- [74]期刊论文,纤维增强复合材料切削仿真研究进展,航空制造技术,2018/01/01,徐锦泱
- [75]期刊论文,A study on drilling high-strength CFRP laminates: Frictional heat and cutting temperature,Materials,2018/11/01,徐锦泱
- [76]期刊论文,Study of drilling-induced defects for CFRP composites using new criteria,COMPOSITE STRUCTURES,2018/10/01,徐锦泱
- [77]期刊论文,Study on the frictional heat at tool-work interface when drilling CFRP composites,Procedia Manufacturing,2018/08/01,徐锦泱
- [78]期刊论文,Study of drilling-induced defects for CFRP composites using new criteria,Composite Structures,2018/10/01,徐锦泱
- [79]会议论文,Effects of specialized drill bits on hole defects of CFRP laminates,AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS,2018/01/01
- [80]期刊论文,An experimental investigation on cutting-induced damage when drilling high-strength T800S/250F carbo,PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART B-JOURNAL OF; ENGINEERING MANUFACTURE,2017/09/01,徐锦泱