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Paper Publications
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Scientific Research
Paper Publications
[1]zhangyong. On-Chip Switching of Mode- and Polarization-Multiplexed Signals with a 748-Gb/s/λ, (8 × 93.5-Gb/s) Capacity 2018 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2018 - Proceedings, 2018,
[2]zhangyong. Tunable Silicon Photonic RF Phase Shifter With Low RF Power Variation Based on Constructive Interference of an Add-Drop Ring Resonator IEEE Photonics Journal, 2018,
[3]zhangyong. Compact silicon three-mode multiplexer by refractive-index manipulation on a multi-mode interferometer Optics Express, 2021,
[4]zhangyong. Record high-order mode-division-multiplexed transmission on chip using gradient-duty-cycle subwavelength gratings 2021 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition, OFC 2021 - Proceedings, 2021,
[5]zhangyong. Ultra-Compact Silicon Mode Converter Based on a Zigzag-type Metasurface Structure 2021 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition, OFC 2021 - Proceedings, 2021,
[6]zhangyong. On-Chip Mode-Division Multiplexing Transmission With Modal Crosstalk Mitigation Employing Low-Coherence Matched Detection JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 2021,
[7]zhangyong. Ultra-compact and broadband silicon polarizer employing a nanohole array structure OPTICS LETTERS, 2021,
[8] Ultra-Broadband Mode Size Converter Using On-Chip Metamaterial-Based Luneburg Lens ACS Photonics, 2021,
[9]zhangyong. Demonstration of terabit coherent on-chip optical interconnects employing mode-division multiplexing Optics Letters, 2021,
[10]zhangyong. High-performance ultra-compact polarization splitter-rotators based on dual-etching and tapered asymmetrical directional coupler Chinese Optics Letters, 2021,
[11] Architecture and Devices for Silicon Photonic Switching in Wavelength, Polarization and Mode IEEE/OSA J. Lightw. Technol., 2020,
[12]zhangyong. Broadband Polarization Beam Splitter by Using Cascaded Tapered Bent Directional Couplers IEEE Photonics Journal, 2019,
[13]zhangyong. A Silicon Photonic RF Phase Shifter With Linear Phase Response and Low RF Power Variation IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2019,
[14] Silicon Photonic Devices for Optical Signal Processing in Wavelength, Polarization and Mode Domains 2018 Conference On Lasers And Electro-optics Pacific Rim, Cleo-pr 2018, 2019,
[15]zhangyong. Silicon Photonic Devices for Optical Switching in Wavelength, Polarization and Mode 2019 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition, Ofc 2019 - Proceedings, 2019,
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