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Paper Publications
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Scientific Research
Paper Publications
[1]zhangyong. Silicon photonics for high-capacity data communications Photonics Research, 2022,
[2] Ultra-broadband on-chip beam focusing enabled by GRIN metalens on silicon-on-insulator platform NANOPHOTONICS, 2022,
[3] Silicon-integrated high-speed mode and polarization switch-andselector Journal of Semiconductors, 2022,
[4]zhangyong. Silicon photonics for high-capacity data communications Photonics Research, 2022,
[5]zhangyong. On-Chip Metamaterial Enabled Wavelength (De)Multiplexer LASER & PHOTONICS REVIEWS, 2022,
[6] Hybrid aluminum nitride and silicon devices for integrated photonics Optics Letters, 2022,
[7]zhangyong. Broadband and Fabrication Tolerant Power Coupling and Mode-Order Conversion Using Thouless Pumping Mechanism LASER & PHOTONICS REVIEWS, 2022,
[8]zhangyong. Asymmetric Topological Valley Edge States on Silicon-On-Insulator Platform LASER & PHOTONICS REVIEWS, 2022,
[9] Architecture and Devices for Silicon Photonic Switching in Wavelength, Polarization and Mode JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 2020,
[10]zhangyong. 2x2 Electro-optic Switch with fJ/bit Switching Power Based on Dual Photonic Crystal Nanobeam Cavities 2016 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 2016,
[11] Silicon 1 × 2 mode- and polarization-selective switch 2017 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition, OFC 2017 - Proceedings, 2017,
[12]zhangyong. Automated Wavelength Alignment in a 4 x 4 Silicon Thermo-Optic Switch Based on Dual-Ring Resonators IEEE Photonics Journal, 2018,
[13]zhangyong. 用于波长、偏振和模式信号处理的硅光子器件 光学与光电技术, 2017,
[14]zhangyong. Effective Symbol-Amplitude Scaling Scheme in DD-OFDM Transmitter with 4.3-dB Receiver-Sensitivity Improvement 2016 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 2016,
[15]zhangyong. Compact, submilliwatt, 2 x 2 silicon thermo-optic switch based on photonic crystal nanobeam cavities Photonics Research, 2017,
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