- [51]会议论文,Optimization of Process Parameters in Lead-free Wave Soldering Based on Orthogonal Experiment and An,Applied Mechanics and Materials,2010/09/01
- [52]会议论文,Simulation Methods Used in LCA: Important Concepts and Practice,17th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering (LCE 2010),2010/05/01
- [53]会议论文,Development of Home Appliance LCA Software for SMEs,17th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering (LCE 2010),2010/05/01,于随然
- [54]会议论文,Environmental Impact Assessment of Refrigerator Production in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): C,Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing (EcoDesign 2009),2009/12/01
- [55]会议论文,Expanding Biomass-based Fuel Ethanol (BFE) Production and Utilization in China: Impacts on Crop and ,Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing (EcoDesign 2009),2009/12/01
- [56]期刊论文,Economic, energy and environmental evaluations of biomass-based fuel ethanol projects based on life ,Applied Energy,2009/11/01,于随然
- [57]期刊论文,A Fuzzy Logic-based Energy Efficiency Evaluation of BFE Products with a Case Study of Corn-based Fue,International Journal of Global Energy Issue,2009/08/01,于随然
- [58]期刊论文,Policy-practice-research of Chinese Bioethanol Program: Past and Future,International of Agile System and Management,2009/05/01,于随然
- [59]期刊论文,Simulation-based life cycle assessment of energy efficiency of biomass-based ethanol fuel from diffe,Energy,2009/04/01,于随然
- [60]期刊论文,Simulation based life cycle assessment of airborne emissions of biomass-based ethanol products from ,Journal of Cleaner Production,2009/03/01,于随然