- [61]期刊论文,Energy efficiency assessment by life cycle simulation of cassava-based fuel ethanol for automotive u,Energy,2009/01/01,于随然
- [62]会议论文,Transferring e-learning skills between europe and China: The Telepath approach,Proceedings of the 10th IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education,2008/10/01
- [63]期刊论文,Life Cycle Simulation-based Economic & Risk assessment of BFE projects in different feedstock planti,Energy,2008/03/01,于随然
- [64]会议论文,Simplified LCA for Green Product Evaluation in Conceptual Deaign,Proceeding of 2008 International Conference on Software Knowledge Information Management and Application,2008/03/01
- [65]期刊论文,基于拆卸时间的产品拆卸性评价及改进设计,上海交通大学学报,2007/09/01,于随然
- [66]期刊论文,基于层次分析法多标准决策分析的产品全生命周期方案选择,上海交通大学学报 ,2007/04/01,于随然
- [67]会议论文,Generation and Evaluation of Product Life Cycle Scenarios in Conceptual Design Stage,Proceeding of 2006 International Conference on Software Knowledge Information Management and Application,2006/12/01
- [68]期刊论文,基于混合模型的E10燃料生命周期评估,上海交通大学学报,2006/02/01
- [69]期刊论文,高压注水泵动力学仿真分析,系统仿真学报,2005/12/01
- [70]会议论文,Coordination method of conflicts between subtasks in distributed and coordinated design,PROCEEDINGS OF THE 12TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT,2005/08/01,于随然