[1] 计算机视觉,医学影像处理,模式识别,机器学习
博士,上海交通大学生物医学工程学院长聘教轨副教授,博士生导师。在北京邮电大学获得计算机专业本科学位,后在英国约克大学获得计算机科学博士学位。在2014年至2017年期间,先后在上海交通大学Med-X研究院和美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(UNC Chapel Hil...
[1] Differentiation of benign and malignant spinal schwannoma using guided attention inference networks on multi-source MRI: comparison with radiomics method and radiologist-based clinical assessment, ACTA RADIOLOGICA
- [2] Radiomics analysis using MR imaging of subchondral bone for identification of knee osteoarthritis, JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAED 2022/09/01
- [3] Multi-Task Learning for False-Positive Reduction and Segmentation of Cerebral Aneurysms in CTA Scans, CISP-BMEI 2021/10/01
- [4] Feature-shared adaptive-boost deep learning for invasiveness classification of pulmonary subsolid nodules in CT images, MEDICAL PHYSICS 2020/04/01
- [2] Radiomics analysis using MR imaging of subchondral bone for identification of knee osteoarthritis, JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAED 2022/09/01