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Scientific Research
Paper Publications
[1] Acylperoxy Radicals as Key Intermediates in the Formation of Dimeric Compounds in alpha-Pinene Secondary Organic Aerosol Environmental Science & Technology, 2022,
[2]zhaoyue. The dependence of new particle formation rates on the interaction between cluster growth, evaporation, and condensation sink Environmental Science: Atmospheres, 2022,
[3]zhaoyue. Radical-Induced Oxidation Removal of Mercury by Ozone Coupled with Bromine ACS ES&T Engineering, 2020,
[4]zhaoyue. Source apportionment and regional transport of anthropogenic secondary organic aerosol during winter pollution periods in the Yangtze River Delta, China Science of The Total Environment, 2020,
[5] Editorial: Atmospheric aerosol particle formation and growth Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2022,
[6]zhaoyue. Enhanced Gas Uptake during alpha-Pinene Ozonolysis Points to a Burying Mechanism ACS EARTH AND SPACE CHEMISTRY, 2020,
[7] A flow tube reactor for the study of aerosol formation mechanisms: design and characterization 一种新型流管反应器的设计与表征 Zhongguo Huanjing Kexue/China Environmental Science, 2020,
[8] Persistence of Monoterpene-Derived Organic Peroxides in the Atmospheric Aqueous Phase ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 2022,
[9] Acylperoxy Radicals as Key Intermediates in the Formation of Dimeric Compounds in α-Pinene Secondary Organic Aerosol Environmental Science and Technology, 2022,
[10] Isomer-Resolved Reactivity of Organic Peroxides in Monoterpene-Derived Secondary Organic Aerosol br ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2022,
[11] High atmospheric oxidation capacity drives wintertime nitrate pollution in the eastern Yangtze River Delta of China ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2022,
[12]zhaoyue. Increasing Isoprene Epoxydiol-to-Inorganic Sulfate Aerosol Ratio Results in Extensive Conversion of Inorganic Sulfate to Organosulfur Forms: Implications for Aerosol Physicochemical Properties Environmental Science & Technology, 2019,
[13]zhaoyue. Anthropogenic enhancements to production of highly oxygenated molecules from autoxidation Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2019,
[14]zhaoyue. Heterogeneous sulfate aerosol formation mechanisms during wintertime Chinese haze events: air quality model assessment using observations of sulfate oxygen isotopes in Beijing Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2019,
[15]zhaoyue. Dynamic Oxidative Potential of Organic Aerosol from Heated Cooking Oil ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 2021,
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