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Wei-Long Zheng is a tenured-track Associate Professor in Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He was a postdoc associate in Department of Brain and Cognitive Science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA, in 2020-2021 and a research fellow in Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA, in 2018-2020. He received the Ph.D. degree in computer science with Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, in 2018. He received the bachelor’s degree in information engineering with the Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, South China University of Technology, China, in 2012. He received Wu Wen Jun AI Science and Technology Award, First Prize 2021, Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI) Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award 2019, IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing Best Paper Award 2021 and IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development Outstanding Paper Award 2018. His research focuses on computational neuroscience, affective computing, brain-computer interfaces, and machine learning.

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Research Group

Name of Research Group:上海交通大学智能交互与认知工程上海高...

Description of Research Group:该实验室主任为IEEE Fellow吕宝粮教授。该实验室的主要研究目标是探索人类大脑智能信息处理的机理和认知过程,为智能信息处理提供新型高效的理论和方法,开发自然友好的人机交互系统,在智能交互方向重点研究脑机交互、图像交互、自然语言交互和语音交互,在认知工程方向重点研究情感计算和认知对话系统。该实验室现有教师14人,其中教授5人,副教授8人,助理教授1人,在读研究生100余人,主要研究方向包括类脑计算理论与模型、认知计算理论、深度学习、情感智能、情感脑机接口、人机交互、计算机视觉、语音信号处理、自然语言处理以及生物信息学等。该团队拥有一名IEEE Fellow,一名万人计划获得者和三名四青人才。团队成员曾获得吴文俊人工智能自然科学一等奖和科学技术奖进步奖二等奖。实验室在科学研究、人才培养、学术交流等方面也取得了很好的成绩。该重点实验室拥有国际上先进的128 导Neuroscan 脑电信号采集与分析系统、18导干电极DSI-24脑电采集系统、GTEC16 导联脑电采集与开发系统、功能近红外脑成像实验平台、情感机器人pepper、SMI 眼动追踪眼镜、Tobii Pro桌面式眼动仪、高性能服务器等设备,具备开展本项目研究的大型设备和科研条件。