- [21]期刊论文,A real-time low-computation cost human-following framework in outdoor environment for legged robots,ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS,2021/12/01
- [22]会议论文,Sim-to-real: Six-legged Robot Control with Deep Reinforcement Learning and Curriculum Learning,2019 4th International Conference on Robotics and Automation Engineering, ICRAE 2019,2019/11/01
- [23]会议论文,Encoding Topology Information for Deep Reinforcement Learning with Continuous Action Space,2019 4th International Conference on Robotics and Automation Engineering, ICRAE 2019,2019/11/01
- [24]期刊论文,DATA-EFFICIENT MODEL-BASED REINFORCEMENT LEARNING FOR ROBOT CONTROL,International Journal of Robotics and Automation,2020/12/01
- [25]会议论文,Dual Models to Facilitate Learning of Policy Network,2020 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC),2020/11/01
- [26]会议论文,Odometry Estimation Utilizing 6-DOF Force Sensors and IMU for Legged Robot,2020 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC),2020/11/01
- [27]会议论文,Real-time Apriltag Inertial Fusion Localization for Large Indoor Navigation,2020 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC),2020/11/01
- [28]会议论文,Sim-to-Real: Designing Locomotion Controller for Six-Legged Robot,2019/07/01
- [29]会议论文,Online Chinese Handwriting Recognition with Time Sequence Information,3rd International Symposium On Autonomous Systems, Isas 2019,2019/05/01
- [30]会议论文,Aspect-based Review Summary Generation with Diversification,3rd International Symposium On Autonomous Systems, Isas 2019,2019/05/01