[13] 会议论文,Medichi: Safer interaction in medical devices.,CHI '13 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems,2010/09/01
[14] 期刊论文,A new ergonomics manikin generation method from real 3D scanning body,Applied Mechanics and Materials,2010/09/01,董占勋
[15] 会议论文,Multi-dimensional Aesthetics Mining for Social Photo Recommendation,International Conference, HCI International 2013, Proceedings,2013/07/01
[16] 会议论文,A pilot study on interactive information visualization of multi-dimensional data,Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing,2020/01/01
[17] 期刊论文,工业设计教育发展及创新,工业设计蓝皮书:中国工业设计发展报告,2014/09/01,董占勋
[18] 期刊论文,信息化生活中的设计变迁,艺术与设计(理论),2015/05/01
[19] 会议论文,Expressing Mixed Emotions via Gradient Color: An Interactive Online Chat Interface Design Based oâ¦,Lecture Notes in Computer Science ,2018/06/01
[20] 会议论文,The Interaction Design of Household Intelligent Breathing Training System,Lecture Notes in Computer Science,2016/06/01,董占勋
[21] 期刊论文,眼动交互在大屏手机操作中的应用趋势,包装工程,2015/12/01,董占勋
[22] 期刊论文,高级定制的情感化设计新模式,纺织学报,2015/12/01,董占勋
[23] 会议论文,An Interactive Training System Design for Ankle Rehabilitation,LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE,2018/01/01
[24] 会议论文,Visualizing Group User Behaviors for Social Network Interaction Design Iteration,Design, User Experience, and Usability: Interactive Experience DesignVolume 9188 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science,2015/07/01