- [81]会议论文,Transient electro-thermal analysis of Single-walled Carbon Nanotube (SWCNT) with transmission line m,Asia Pacific Microwave Conference 2009,2009/12/01
- [82]会议论文,Analysis of power-ground plane with combination of rectangle and triangle segmentation,Asia Pacific Microwave Conference 2009,2009/12/01
- [83]会议论文,Time domain analysis for nonlinear-CMOS-gate-driven distributed RLC trees,Asia Pacific Microwave Conference 2009,2009/12/01
- [84]期刊论文,Time-Domain Investigation on Cable-Induced Transient Coupling Into Metallic Enclosures,IEEE Trans. Electromagnetic Compatibility,2009/11/01
- [85]期刊论文,Characterization of average power handling capability of bandpass filters using planar half-waveleng,IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters,2009/11/01
- [86]会议论文,Finite-difference time-domain analysis of dispersive transmission lines,Asia Pacific Microwave Conference 2008,2008/12/01
- [87]会议论文,Wire sizing optimization for buffered global interconnects,2008 International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology Proceedings,2008/10/01
- [88]会议论文,A differential quadrature method for the transient analysis of multiconductor transmission lines,2008 International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology Proceedings,2008/10/01
- [89]期刊论文,A precise time-step integration method for transient analysis of lossy nonuniform transmission lines,IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility,2008/02/01
- [90]期刊论文,Optimal wire sizing of buffered global interconnects,Microelectronics International,2007/09/01