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Home > Scientific Research > Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics

The understanding and manipulation of interactions among different order parameters are of significant importance for both fundamental science and modern devices. This project develops several ultrafast time-resolved experimental setups that are sensitive to materials' thermal, electrical and structural properties, with probing wavelength ranging from UV to mid-IR and repetition rate from 1kHz to 80MHz. We have successfully probed eletron-phonon relaxation, optical induced ferroelecric switching and optical control of topological order in polar domains, which demonstrated the possibility of exploring new phenomena of materials from the time dimension.

Related works:

1. "Light-Activated Gigahertz Ferroelectric Domain Dynamics" Physical Review Letters, 096101, 120, (2018)

2. "Continuously Tuning Epitaxial Strains by Thermal Mismatch" ACS Nano, 1306–1312, 12, (2018)

3. "Optical creation of a supercrystal with three-dimensional nanoscale periodicity" Nature Materials, 377-383, 18, (2019)

4. "Ultrafast quasiparticle dynamics in the correlated semimetal Ca3Ru2O7" Physical Review B, 155111, 99, (2019)