- [1]期刊论文,Thermal decomposition of 1-hexene by flash pyrolysis: A study of initial decomposition mechanism,Proceedings of the Combustion Institute,2021/01/01
- [2]期刊论文,Study on N-guanylurea-dinitramide (GUDN) decomposition using theoretical simulations, online photoio,Combustion and Flame,2021/07/01
- [3]期刊论文,Insights into the Decomposition and Oxidation Chemistry of p-Xylene in Laminar Premixed Flames,Journal of Physical Chemistry A,2021/04/01
- [4]期刊论文,An understanding for improved biomass pyrolysis: Toward a systematic comparison of different acid pr,Chemical Engineering Journal,2021/05/01
- [5]期刊论文,Online Study on the Catalytic Hydrotreatment of Guaiacol in Liquid Phase by Vacuum Ultraviolet Photo,Energy and Fuels,2021/09/01
- [6]期刊论文,Mechanism study of hemicellulose pyrolysis by combining in-situ DRIFT, TGA-PIMS and theoretical calc,Proceedings of the Combustion Institute,2021/04/01
- [7]期刊论文,Gas-phase hydrodeoxygenation of bio-oil model compound over nitrogen-doped carbon-supported palladiu,Proceedings of the Combustion Institute,2021/03/01
- [8]期刊论文,Continuous Butadiyne Addition to Propargyl: A Radical-Efficient Pathway for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydr,Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters,2021/08/01
- [9]期刊论文,Probing combustion and catalysis intermediates by synchrotron vacuum ultraviolet photoionization mol,PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2022/09/01,周忠岳
- [10]期刊论文,Pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass: Molecular-level insights with online ultrahigh-resolution mass,FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2022/10/01,周忠岳