[1] 会议论文,GRAYSCALE AND NORMAL GUIDED DEPTH COMPLETION WITH A LOW-COST LIDAR,Proceedings - International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP,2021/09/01
[2] 期刊论文,P3-LINS: Tightly Coupled PPP-GNSS/INS/LiDAR Navigation System With Effective Initialization,Ieee Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,2023/02/01,裴凌
[3] 期刊论文,多源融合定位算法综述,南京信息工程大学学报:自然科学版,2022/09/01,裴凌
[4] 会议论文,MWNET: A TRACKING METHOD FOR FREQUENTLY OCCLUDED SCENES BASED ON MATTER WAVES,Proceedings - International Conference on Image Processing, Icip,2022/01/01
[5] 会议论文,Open Set Mixed-Reality Human Activity Recognition,2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 2021 - Proceedings,2021/12/01
[6] 会议论文,A CNN Approach to Assess Environment Complexity for Robotics Autonomous Navigation,2020 3rd International Conference on Mechatronics, Robotics and Automation, ICMRA 2020,2020/10/01
[7] 会议论文,Multi-level Contrast Network for Wearables-based Joint Activity Segmentation and Recognition,2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM),,2022/08/01
[8] 期刊论文,全源导航--国家综合定位导航授时(PNT)体系下的用户侧框架,张江科技评论,2022/06/01,裴凌
[9] 期刊论文,FINet: An Insulator Dataset and Detection Benchmark Based on Synthetic Fog and Improved YOLOv5,IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,2022/09/01
[10] 期刊论文,Performance Analysis of BDS-3 SAIM and Enhancement Research on Autonomous Satellite Ephemeris Monâ¦,REMOTE SENSING,2022/08/01
[11] 期刊论文,P-3-VINS: Tightly-Coupled PPP/INS/Visual SLAM Based on Optimization Approach,IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS,2022/07/01
[12] 期刊论文,On Enhanced PPP with Single Difference Between-Satellite Ionospheric Constraints,NAVIGATION-JOURNAL OF THE INSTITUTE OF NAVIGATION,2022/01/01