- [21]会议论文,Segmenting Epipolar Line,International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics ,2020/11/01
- [22]会议论文,Pedestrian Navigation by Low-cost Foot-Mounted Dual IMUs and Inter-foot Ranging,57th Inertial Sensors and Systems - Symposium Gyro Technology ,2020/09/01
- [23]期刊论文,iNavFIter: Next-Generation Inertial Navigation Computation Based on Functional Iteration,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS,2020/06/01,武元新
- [24]期刊论文,On Inertial Navigation and Attitude Initialization in Polar Areas,Satellite Navigation,2020/12/01,武元新
- [25]期刊论文,Attitude Reconstruction from Inertial Measurements QuatFIter and Its Comparison with RodFIter,IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems,2019/12/01,武元新
- [26]期刊论文,An Efficient Method for Gyroscope-Aided Full Magnetometer Calibration,IEEE Sensors Journal,2019/08/01
- [27]期刊论文,StructVIO: Visual-Inertial Odometry With Structural Regularity of Man-Made Environments,IEEE Transactions On Robotics,2019/08/01
- [28]会议论文,Next-Generation Inertial Navigation Computation Based on Functional Iteration,26th Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems, ICINS 2019 - Proceedings,2019/05/01,武元新
- [29]期刊论文,Fast RodFIter for Attitude Reconstruction From Inertial Measurements,IEEE Transactions On Aerospace And Electronic Systems,2019/02/01,武元新
- [30]期刊论文,Equivalent Constraints for Two-View Geometry: Pose Solution/Pure Rotation Identification and 3D Reco, International Journal of Computer Vision,2019/02/01