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Paper Publications
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Scientific Research
Paper Publications
[1]XU JIJIN. Application of digital image correlation method to in-situ dynamic strain measurement Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science), 2017,
[2]XU JIJIN. Effect of the microstructure in unmixed zone on corrosion behavior of 439 tube/308L tube-sheet welding joint Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2017,
[3]XU JIJIN. Reduction of ductility-dip cracking by ultrasonic-assisted GTAW Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2017,
[4]XU JIJIN. Effect of local texture and precipitation on the ductility dip cracking of ERNiCrFe-7A Ni-based overlay Materials & Design, 2016,
[5]XU JIJIN. Effects of residual stress and grain boundary character on creep cracking in 2.25Cr-1.6W steel Materials Science & Engineering A, 2016,
[6] Fine grained Cu film promoting Kirkendall voiding at Cu3Sn/Cu interface Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016,
[7]XU JIJIN. Fine grained Cu film promoting Kirkendall voiding at Cu3Sn/Cu interface Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016,
[8]XU JIJIN. Sn whiskers mitigation by refining grains of Cu substrate during the room temperature exposure Materials Letters, 2015,
[9]XU JIJIN. Fractal and probability analysis of creep crack growth behavior in 2.25Cr–1.6W steel incorporating residual stresses Applied Surface Science, 2015,
[10]XU JIJIN. Reduced susceptibility to stress-relief cracking in the CGHAZ by modifying grain boundary character Materials Science and Engineering A, 2015,
[11]XU JIJIN. Effect of deposit thickness during electroplating on Kirkendall voiding at Sn/Cu joints Materials Letters, 2014,
[12]XU JIJIN. Effects of additive elements on structural and electronic properties of Sn-based intermetallics by first principles Materials Research Express, 2014,
[13]XU JIJIN. Study of Cu6Sn5 and Cu3Sn growth behaviors by considering trace Zn MATERIALS LETTERS, 2014,
[14] 材料硬化模型对316L不锈钢焊接残余应力的影响 焊接学报, 2014,
[15]XU JIJIN. Study on grain boundary character and strain distribution of intergranular cracking in the CGHAZ of T23 steel Materials Characterization, 2013,
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