- [1]期刊论文,Area-Efficient 28-GHz Four-Element Phased-Array Transceiver Front-End Achieving 25.2% Tx Efficiency ,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES,2022/07/01
- [2]期刊论文,An Inverter-Based Continuous Time Sigma Delta ADC With Latency-Free DAC Calibration,IEEE Transaction on Circuits and Systems I-Regular Papers,2020/11/01
- [3]会议论文,An 18.1 mW 50 MHz-BW 76.4 dB-SNDR CTSDM With PVT-Robust VCO Quantizer and Latency-Free Background-Ca,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS I-REGULAR PAPERS,2022/03/01
- [4]会议论文,A Power-Efficient CMOS Image Sensor with In-Sensor Processing and In-Pixel Gain Calibration,2022 IEEE 65TH INTERNATIONAL MIDWEST SYMPOSIUM ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS (MWSCAS 2022),2022/01/01
- [5]会议论文,A Harmonic Rejecting N-Path Filter with Harmonic Gain Calibration Technique,CIRCUITS SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING,2022/05/01
- [6]期刊论文,<p>A 0.023-12 GHz ultra-wideband frequency synthesizer with FOMT of-251.8 dB</p>,MICROELECTRONICS JOURNAL,2022/02/01
- [7]会议论文,A Fast-Settling Phase-Locked Loop Utilizing Cycle-Slipping-Elimination PFDCP,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS II-EXPRESS BRIEFS,2022/01/01
- [8]会议论文,A 16/32 Gbps Dual-Mode SerDes Transmitter with Linearity Enhanced SST Driver,Ieice Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics Communications and Computer Sciences,2022/11/01
- [9]会议论文,A Latency-Optimized Lookup Table for Nonlinearity Calibration in VCO-Based Sigma-Delta ADCs,2021 IEEE INTERNATIONAL MIDWEST SYMPOSIUM ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS (MWSCAS),2021/08/01
- [10]期刊论文,A 60-MS/s 5-MHz BW Noise-Shaping SAR ADC With Integrated Input Buffer Achieving 84.2-dB SNDR and 97.,IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS,2022/03/01