[25] 会议论文,A 3d lidar reconstruction approach for vegetation detection in power transmission networks,International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives,2022/01/01
[26] 期刊论文,基于局部几何特征的稠密点云配准方法,导航定位与授时,2020/07/01
[27] 期刊论文,High realistic simulation method based on GNSS hardware-in-loop multi-sensor fused positioning,Zhongguo Guanxing Jishu Xuebao/Journal of Chinese Inertial Technology,2020/04/01
[28] 期刊论文,ICP配准算法的影响因素及评价指标分析,导航定位与授时,2018/01/01
[29] 期刊论文,Evaluation of GPS/BDS indoor positioning performance and enhancement,Advances in Space Research,2017/02/01
[30] 期刊论文,Feasibility Study of Using Mobile Laser Scanning Point Cloud Data for GNSS Line of Sight Analysis,Mobile Information Systems,2017/01/01
[31] 期刊论文,Parallel acquisition algorithm for multi-core Beidou software receiver based on combined FFT,Zhongguo Guanxing Jishu Xuebao/Journal of Chinese Inertial Technology,2016/08/01
[32] 期刊论文,卫星定位软件接收机研究综述,河北科技大学学报,2016/01/01
[33] 期刊论文,An Efficient Normalized Rank Based SVM for Room Level Indoor WiFi Localization with Diverse Devicâ¦,Mobile Information Systems,2017/01/01
[34] 期刊论文,The Effect of Terrestrial Surface Slope and Roughness on Laser Footprint Geolocation Error for Spâ¦,Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing,2018/10/01
[35] 会议论文,Uplink Power Control Approach Based on Adaptive Chaotic Simulated Annealing,Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems,2018/04/01
[36] 会议论文,Uplink Power Control Approach Based on Adaptive Chaotic Simulated Annealing,2018 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS),2018/01/01