[73] 期刊论文,Ship Detection from PolSAR Imagery Using the Ambiguity Removal Polarimetric Notch Filter,ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing ,2019/11/01
[74] 期刊论文,IVPR: An Instant Visual Place Recognition Approach based on Structural Lines in Manhattan World,IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,2019/09/01,裴凌
[75] 期刊论文,StructVIO: Visual-Inertial Odometry With Structural Regularity of Man-Made Environments,IEEE Transactions On Robotics,2019/08/01
[76] 期刊论文,Calibrating Multi-Channel RSS Observations for Localization Using Gaussian Process,IEEE Wireless Communications Letters,2019/08/01
[77] 期刊论文,Cost-Effective Localization Using RSS from Single Wireless Access Point,IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,,2019/06/01
[78] 期刊论文,Urban area GNSS in-car-jammer localization based on pattern recognition,Navigation-journal Of The Institute Of Navigation,2019/06/01
[79] 会议论文,Robust Localization and Mapping through Integration of Crowdsourcing and Machine Learning,2019/05/01
[80] 期刊论文,IMU/Magnetometer/Barometer/Mass-Flow Sensor Integrated Indoor Quadrotor UAV Localization with Robâ¦,Remote Sensing,2019/04/01
[81] 期刊论文,Weakly Supervised Human Activity Recognition From Wearable Sensors by Recurrent Attention Learninâ¦,IEEE Sensors Journal,2019/03/01
[82] 期刊论文,Improvement of Noise Uncertainty and Signal-To-Noise Ratio Wall in Spectrum Sensing Based on Optiâ¦,Sensors,2019/02/01
[83] 期刊论文,低速无人系统定位导航通用指标及测试方法,导航定位与授时,2019/01/01,裴凌
[84] 论文,Trajectory Optimization of LiDAR SLAM Based on Local Pose Graph,Lecture Notes In Electrical Engineering,2019/01/01